Tag - ESP8266

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Introducing CHAI - a CAME gate controller to Home Assistant Interface

I have a parking gate with a Came BXV controller and wanted to fully integrate it with a home automation system. Using a good old ESP8266 and ESPHome, I can now exactly control the movements from Home Assistant, get feedback of the actual gate position and state, and control it remotely or set-up alarms in case it stays open for too long for example.

So let me introduce CHAI - a CAME gate controller to Home Assistant Interface

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RefloWaffle: A dirt cheap reflow oven - the Belgian way

"For her a Moulinex, for him delicious meals"

Though I don't do many PCBs, I guess every hacker must have a reflow oven. So this is a project I've been pursuing on and off for nearly 4 years:
A small, portable, and dirt cheap (less than $25) reflow oven.

After a few tests with a traditional electric oven recovered from the trash, I concluded its thermal inertia was so high it would require massive modifications to achieve anything close to a decent reflow profile, and as I didn't feel like spending much money on a large oven, I looked for a better way.

And I think I found it. Read on for more...

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Introducing the WAHOOcorder

Front panel


What ?

  • A set-top box modified to add Wi-Fi

What's special about it ?

  • Bidirectional interactivity from a browser
  • Advanced features such as user-firendly search interface
  • Bidirectional integration with existing operator website
  • 5 EUR (5 USD) modification

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